Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011

How could you..

Do you know the feeling when you are dying inside..
I had it yesterday, I couldnt speak and I almost couldnt breath..
I felt so alone eventhough he was sitting right in front of me but he was the reason.
He humiliated me,. Telling me that he would decide himself for the other thing that he loves more than me
gave me a kick in my heart.
I never thought that he could hurt and dissapoint me that much.
I miss the person you have been ... like 4 years ago,. But now we grow up.. and we have to handle it.
I really hope that we can figure it out because I dont want to lose you,. <3

Finger Eleven - I'll Keep Your Memory Vague 

This won't break your heart
But I just think it could
Cause I haven't tried as hard as I should
To separate you from everything I do
But I would never want to come between us two

I'll keep your memory vague
So you won't feel bad about me
I'll say the things that you said
Sometimes so it reminds me

Now I'm thinking back
To what I said before
I hope your heart won't have to hurt anymore
Cause it's really not that sad from here
Because the moments I can feel you near
They keep you close to me my dear
And if they ever become too clear...

Now you've gone away
Don't worry it's ok
That you're gone away
Further than yesterday
But you'll never leave these scenes
My mind replays

Where in the world have you gone now?

Montag, 18. April 2011

I'm scared

Is he still the person that I love?
I'd love to give him his freedom but I am scared because something happend..
I dont want to lose him.
But what am I suppose to do? Its been ages since I felt that he loves me.
Anyway, I have to change my point of view.
I miss the one he once was. </3

Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011


Okay,. I got for my birthday the best presents ever.
My boyfriend gave me a super awesome amazing ring which is sparkeling like crazy from swakrovski
and I love it so so so much!..
My friend Laura (I have a blog with her as well) and my BF and I were upstairs when my mom called us down
and my present for my mom on her birthday was a song and then she and my aunt said something like "yeah u made a song for her so we made one for you" and then they began to sing and I blushed like crazy haha.
And the last part of the song I couldnt really understand it was something like "fly, Africa and a few days".
haha I looked at them and asked "what did you say?", and they startet smiling and were glad that their suprise worked out so well.
SOOO I'M FLYING 2 SA AGAIN on saturday :) really cant wait 2 see my "family" again hehe.

Gna miss my boyfriend like crazy.

Yesterday we went togerther with my mom, dad and bro to the ice hockey game from my cousin.
It was one of the two super important games but he lost it :'( yeah that wasnt sooo cool but hey,.
next weekend they have 2 win with 3 goals more then the others.
And I really think he can make it..


Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

2 days left

Ja, in 2 tagen ist es endlich soweit.. ich bin halt echt aufgeregt.
Mein freund meinte, dass er das beste geschenk hat, besser als all die, die er mir jemals
zuvor gekauft/geschenkt hat.
Und dann schreibt er mir eine sms mit dem inhalt "ah, kannst kaum erwarten dein gesicht zu sehen".
Ja, macht mich halt fast nicht neugierig.

Bin heute zum ersten mal in meiner neuen klasse, ziemlich strange.
Meine mama hat gestern meine fingernägel gemacht mit rosa glitzender spitze - schön :)

Freitag, 28. Januar 2011

Easy come, easy go That's just how you live..

Take, take, take it all, but you never give.
I’d catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I’d jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same....

Best song ever and isnt that the way it is? Some people would really die for someone,.
I think that's so stupid because life goes on,. it like a rollercoaster,. it goes up and down but its always fun.
Don't you think?..

Today I get my report,.
AND TODAY IN A WEEK is my 18th birthday and I am super happy haha.

Gna meet a friend after school.. also have a blog with her in german if your interessted (  visit and follow us..

AND REMEMBER you are always loved!!

Montag, 24. Januar 2011


HOW cool is that? hahaha SO exited :)

Baby get shaky :')

Best song at the moment: Freak bodybangers & Klaas!
LISTEN TO IT,. I hear it all day long..

Today I go to the city and have something to eat with my bestie Janina :)
Tomorrow I get my iPhone and the week is going to be super short because we have an outreach on thursday  and friday we get our reports.
On monday we have free and on tuesday we have a soccer thing going in at our school,. I have to play with them because at least 2 girls in each class has to play with them -.- haha.
yeah so that was pretty much it :)

Freitag, 21. Januar 2011


Thija und mal wieder ist die woche fast vorbei - freude pur :)

gestern haben wir erfahren, dass unsere klasse aufgelöst wirs, 2 leute haben sogar geweint.
es ist echt verdammt traurig!! Ich mochte meine klasse so sehr..
Neue lehrer, neue leute.. *kotz.

Naja heute geh ich feiern :D.. freu mich schon.

Tüdelüüü :)

Ps. Jessi ek is baie lief vir jou :) <3

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

Give me your freak!

ZU GUT!!!!

Ich bin halt gerade in der Schule und habe gestern dieses schöne lied entdeckt,
das ist seitdem rauf und runterhöre,. dazu gehören noch 2 andere, aber die kann
ich leider nicht posten, da youtube hier gespreer - genau wie facebook FURCHTBAR.
Haha,. mein erster Post in deutsch fällt mir gerade auf.

Freitag und samstag war ich feiern mit einer aus meiner klasse die geburtstag hatte und dann
am samstag hat meine mama ihren geburtstag nachgefeiert, oh mein gott, zu fertig :)
aber es war sehr schön, da ich auch mal wieder "rauskommen" musste.
Ich mag es nicht das ganze wochenende wo rumzusitzen und nichts zu machen :D

Es sieht schon ZIEMLICH cool aus ;)

Ich freu mich jetzt schon wieder auf mittwoch, weil ich da meinen wunderbaren freund wiedersehen kann ;)
muss mich jetzt umbedingt auf meinen führerschein konzentrieren :P.. ich mein ich werde bald 18 und wenn ich dann noch nicht einmal fahren kann ist das ziemlich kacke.
Meine mama meinte, dass sie ein richtig schönes geschenk für mich hat, ZU AUFGEREGT :D..

Naja jetzt muss ich mich wieder meinen aufgaben widmen.. richtig lust, haha.
Gleich noch 2 stunden rechnungswesen und ich verstehe jetzt halt mal gar nichts aber das wird schon!
Ich glaub an mich und weiß das ich alles schaffen kann wenn ich es nur will.
Leider klappen meine augen die ganze zeit zu denn ich bin so müde .. :(

ACH und hier ich hab nochwas gefunden das ich total schön finde!! aber die ist so teuer aber man gönnt sich ja sonst nichts,4,shop,jewelleryshop,alljewellery